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Budgets in AfricaBudget Enquirer


Region: East Africa
Currency: Ugandan Shilling (UGX)
Population: 36.6 million
Capital: Kampala
Ministry website:
Fiscal year: July-June
Regional Economic Community: COMESA, EAC, IGAD
Key Budget Indicators Over Time
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
GDP (constant 2009/10 UGX[billions]) 97,317 103,971 104,344 111,921 118,794
GDP (current UGX[billions]) 90,352 94,963 103,877 113,485 126,374
GDP growth (%) 5.75 6.84 0.36 7.26 6.14
GDP per capita (constant 2009/10 UGX) 2,822,649.75 2,929,412.46 2,853,993.5 2,970,791.37 3,059,879.3
GDP per capita (current UGX) 2,620,632.06 2,675,609.5 2,841,220.22 3,012,305.63 3,255,123.88
Inflation (CPI) (%) 3.08 5.41 5.46 5.63 2.62
General government revenue (% of GDP) 10.83 12.76 12.49 12.8 13.22
General government expenditure (% of GDP) 13.57 15.31 16.05 15.55 15.96
Budget balance (% of GDP) -2.74 -2.55 -3.56 -2.75 -2.74
Primary balance (% of GDP) -1.53 -1.1 -1.52 -0.68 -0.93
General government debt (% of GDP) 24.77 28.8 31.19 33.8 35.12
Population (millions) 34.48 35.49 36.56 37.67 38.82

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