Repensado a função do gabinete da dívida: Promovendo o desenvolvimento do mercado obrigacionista em moeda local Read Rethinking the role of the debt office: Driving local-currency bond market development Leia mais
My PDIA journey: Tackling off-budget spending in Liberia Read My PDIA journey: Tackling off-budget spending in Liberia Leia mais
New connections and better performance in Nigeria’s budget process Read New connections and better performance in Nigeria’s budget process Leia mais
My PDIA Journey: Managing virements and expenditure arrears in the Gambia Read My PDIA Journey: Managing virements and expenditure arrears in the Gambia Leia mais
Getting things done: PFM reform in Africa Read Guest Blog - Getting things done: PFM reform in Africa Leia mais
Financiamento de infra-estruturas: quem paga? Considerações de ordem prática para o planeamento, a orçamentação e o financiamento das infra-estruturas Read Financiamento de infra-estruturas: quem paga? Leia mais
As capacidades dos ministérios das finanças e do planeamento em matéria da coordenação da despesa de capital e corrente Read The capabilities of ministries of finance and planning to coordinate capital and recurrent expenditure Leia mais
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all: challenges and opportunities Read Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all: challenges and opportunities Leia mais
Building state capabilities in Africa: an on-going engagement with seven country teams Read Building state capabilities in Africa: an on-going engagement with seven country teams Leia mais