1. Introduction
2. Perspectives on value for money
3. A framework for improving value for money
4. Improving value for money through the budget process
5. The use of performance indicators to drive value for money – lessons from Burundi and Mauritius
6. Making complex policy decisions on value for money
7. Tools to assess value for money
This report summarises the proceedings of the 10th Annual CABRI Seminar, on value for money in public spending. The 10th Annual Seminar coincided with the milestone of 10 years of CABRI’s existence as a voice on PFM reform in Africa.
The theme placed much-needed emphasis on policy and the optimal use of resources to achieve efficiency and effective service delivery. Value for money is not only ensuring that line ministries spend within their budget constraints; it is about maximising impact with limited resources. Essentially, ministries of finance have a duty to ensure good value for money in all areas of public spending, and this requires better understanding of policy and a variety of analytical skills to ensure that sector ministries maximise impact with their allocated resources. The seminar illustrated these issues with examples from the health, education and agriculture sectors.
Year: 2014 Theme: CABRI Conference, CABRI 10th Annual Seminar Countries: Burundi, Mauritius Language: English