1. Introduction
2. Transparency and participation in the context of public finance reform
3. Transparency and participation in public finance: current status
4. Transparency and participation in public finance: actions and recommendation
Transparent and participatory PFM systems are integral to good public financial management. Budget transparency has improved over time in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as reflected in the country’s ranking on the latest Open Budget Index (OBI) by the International Budget Partnership (IBP). Despite these developments, the DRC remains in the group of countries that publish limited budget information and provide very few opportunities for participation. This report evaluates progress made in improving budget transparency and participation since the previous joint review conducted in 2013. The review team examined the developments and identified the driving forces behind them, and proposed new actions that would promote greater transparency and participation in the context of the reforms that are being implemented.
Year: 2017 Theme: Transparency and accountability, Budget transparency Countries: Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Language: English