In 2017, CABRI initiated a policy dialogue on ‘Value for Money in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’ (WASH) through a series of dialogues and country reviews. Government officials from finance, health and WASH-related ministries, alongside technical experts from 12 African countries convened for the debut event in Accra. Those countries were: Botswana, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Côte D’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria and South Africa. CABRI held two follow-up peer review workshops, in Cape Town and Kigali, to further examine how countries are tackling WASH challenges. The events provided an opportunity for countries to share and learn about common WASH challenges in Africa and highlighted the complexity of managing a sector with multi-sectoral institutions and various financing options available. This policy brief covers what was learnt through the dialogue and reviews, and provides finance, health and WASH officials with key policy considerations for better targeted investments and financing approaches for faster progress towards national WASH objectives.
Year: 2018 Theme: Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Value for money, Water Sanitation and Hygiene Language: English