Placide Mukuende, iFMIS Coordinator, MINECOFIN, Rwanda
We successfully launched our new programme to enhance digital public financial management (PFM) in Africa with a first webinar.
The focus of our new area of work is not on the management of the whole existing information systems environments but on the governance of a Ministry of Finance digital transformation project in an adaptative, flexible, modular way.
The goal of the first phase of our work is to conduct in-depth country case studies that will lay down the foundation of future support. In line with CABRI’s ethos, this new work area will focus on collecting practical learnings of how to translate digital reforms into improved outcomes, including by investigating:
1. What has enabled countries to take a problem-driven and iterative approach to digital reforms?
2. How capabilities have been built within government to manage digital systems?
We thank Nicolas Botton, Expert Consultant on digital PFM as well as François BEPKON, Director of IT of the General Directorate of the Budget of Benin, Hendrik Swaanepoel, Chief Director, Data Analysis, National Treasury of South Africa and Placide MUKUENDE, iFMIS Coordinator, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Rwanda for sharing their country experiences with us and for the invaluable insights.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for supporting this new area of work.
Stay tuned for webinar #2!