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Mainstreaming gender equality in budgeting and planning processes for enhanced implementation of agriculture-sector priorities in NDCs/NAPs

22 September 2022
African Woman Farming

CABRI is joining the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the United Nations Climate Change - PCCB Network for a webinar on, "Mainstreaming gender equality in budgeting and planning processes for enhanced implementation of agriculture-sector priorities in NDCs/NAPs". Scheduled on 6 October, the virtual engagement seeks to facilitate gender-responsive Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for more effective, impactful climate action, particularly in the agricultural sectors. CABRI was invited to present on the key lessons learnt from the Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Change in Africa (IBFCCA) programme - a partnership between CABRI, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), and the UNDP, and funded by wedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Background :

Achieving climate-related goals in land use and agriculture requires nothing less than the transformation of food and agricultural systems. This includes transforming systems and structures in ways that promote gender equality and social inclusion (such as for smallholders and marginalised groups) not only to address differences in vulnerability, but also to build upon the knowledge, needs and insights different groups can contribute to climate solutions.

Recent reviews of NAPs and NDCs indicate that countries are taking steps to promote gender equality and social inclusion. There is an increasing trend toward integration of gender and social inclusion issues into climate planning documents, however there is still room for improvement in the gender-responsiveness of planning processes themselves and in the translation of gender-responsive plans into the implementation of gender-responsive climate action.

Building on over seven years of joint collaboration on climate planning in agriculture through NDCs and NAPs (through the IKI-funded NAP-Ag and SCALA programmes), this event aims to support countries in their continued planning and implementation of agriculture-sector priorities.

This event will engage public sector actors directly involved in NDC/NAP implementation, and agriculture sector development planning to learn, engage and share experiences on:

  1. National climate planning process that are gender-responsive, inclusive and designed to address gender and equity issues;
  2. Budgeting processes that allocate resources efficiently and equitably in a way that promotes gender equality and eventually reduces climate vulnerabilities and
  3. Methods for linking national planning to on-the-ground implementation.

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