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CABRI Meeting with the Mauritian Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development

3 September 2024
Mauritius Ministry of Finance meeting

On 30 August, CABRI met with officials from the Mauritian Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development in capital city, Port Louis. The meeting organised by the Chair of our Management Committee, Mr Mahen Rawoteea, Director, Economic and Finance, was chaired by Mr Anandsingh Acharuz, Acting Financial Secretary. The meeting which was also attended by our young public financial management (PFM) reformers from the 2024 Building Public Finance Capabilities (BPFC) in Africa programme, was an opportunity to take stock of the learnings from the Policy Dialogue on health facility autonomy and brief officials on our upcoming international conference on digital PFM .

The Secretariat was represented by Dr Kay Brown, Executive Secretary, Giselle Hadley, Programme Manager and lead on digital PFM and Soonsyra Lowe Nicolas, Stakeholder Liaison Manager. In the afternoon, Dr Brown, met with the BPFC team to chat about the team's progress since the framing workshop in June. Country-team Mauritius is preparing for a check-in by their coach, Marcia Korsten, in the coming days.

We thank the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development for its hospitality and for the invaluable support it provided together with the Ministry of Health and Wellness for our Policy Dialogue on PFM as a greater enabler of health facility autonomy.

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