Workshop on gender and climate change in programme design and appraisal

The workshop considered how the integration of gender and climate change can be strengthened in programme design, appraisal and approval. A new methodology was developed and applied to the agriculture and energy sectors in Benin. The event shared the lessons from this experience. It provided an opportunity for officials from across the continent working in finance, budget, gender, environment/climate ministries and agencies, to gain practical experience in applying the gender and climate change impact assessment method and provide feedback on how it can be strengthened.
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Session 1 - Climate Scrutiny
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Session 2 - Benin
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Discussion paper
GCCIA guidelines
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Discussion Paper
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Talking Points
Session 3 - Small group sessions
(205.144 KB)

Neil Cole
Executive Secretary (CABRI)

Kit Nicholson
Director - Climate Scrutiny (United Kingdom)

Ange-Marie Codo
Researcher and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management - University of Parakou (Benin)

Hermann Zime
Director of Programming and Foresight - Ministry of Energy (Benin)

Christophe Adjin
Programming and Foresight Department - Ministry of Agriculture (Benin)

Pierrot Sego
Director of Policy Programming and Budget - Ministry of Finance (Benin)

Jerome Dendura
Public finance management and budget support specialist - Savannas Enseades (Canada)

Dr. Zeinab B. Elbakri
Senior Advisor (previously Vice-President Sector Operations at the African Development Bank) - Savannas Enseades (Canada)

Joana Bento
Programme Manager (CABRI)