Sound budget practices, public finance systems that serve our welfare goals, and accounting systems that have integrity and respect, are essential for promoting democracy and effective governance. Underpinning these practices and systems is a constant flow of transparent, comprehensive and timely information, which allows decision-makers to govern and empowers citizens to hold their governments to account.
The theme of the annual seminar was designed to inform a framework on good financial governance that speaks to African experiences, and reflects African commitments to goals that are deemed feasible by African leaders in African contexts. Thus, the seminar agenda provides an opportunity for senior budget officials to debate and discuss subject areas aimed at:
- Understanding the opportunities for and complexities in good financial governance in Africa, in order to inform a political declaration by ministers of finance
- Examining the results of the recent joint country case study on programme-based budgeting in Mauritius
- Launching the CABRI-OECD exercise to assist Ghana in using country systems for the delivery of development assistance
- Exploring the role and management of private sector involvement in public infrastructure development